​​How does Airbag work in automobiles?

At the point when a vehicle hits something, it begins to decelerate (lose speed) quickly.
An accelerometer (electronic chip that estimates increasing speed or power) identifies the difference in speed.
In the event that the deceleration is sufficiently extraordinary, the accelerometer triggers the airbag circuit. Ordinary braking doesn’t create enough power to do this.
The airbag circuit passes an electric flow through a warming component (somewhat like one of the wires in a toaster).
The warming component lights a synthetic touchy. More seasoned airbags utilized sodium azide as their hazardous; more up to date ones utilize various synthetic compounds.
As the hazardous consumes, it creates a monstrous measure of innocuous gas (commonly either nitrogen or argon) that floods into a nylon sack pressed behind the controlling wheel.
As the sack extends, it passes the plastic spread over the controlling haggle before the driver. The pack is covered with a powdery substance, for example, bath powder to assist it with opening up easily.
The driver (pushing ahead as a result of the effect) pushes against the sack. This causes the pack to flatten as the gas it contains escapes through little openings around its edges. When the vehicle stops, the pack ought to have totally flattened.
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